Saturday, February 2, 2013

Added some links...

I've added a few more links, and will continue to add more as I find cool stuff. In particular I've added links to some of the many Yahoo Groups and other forums relevant to 3mm gaming.

One I'd bring to everyone's attention is the "Lead Doesn't Bleed" blog. Every time I look at it, I find that I share a lot of views to the blog owner about how great 3mm gaming is. We seem to have tried a lot of the same ideas for basing, terrain and other stuff. Whilst I've now diverged to using hex terrain, I enjoy looking at his miniatures and latest terrain projects. The Sci-Fi stuff is so nice, I'm even tempted to get into a new period (I now own the Future War Commander Rules, which I picked up from a trader at Cancon 2013).  Below is an example of his work:

Must resist until I've finished all my other projects....


  1. Thanks, man! You're too kind! I love the hex terrain you're doing!

  2. This looks great. Love the boards.
    Is it possible for you to email me as I have a few questions.


  3. I think that you might like to add the link to my Yahoo 1/600th miniature aircraft and rules Group. :) This group is for people who enjoy wargaming with the Tumbling Dice/Vapor Trails,Oddzial Osmy, Skytrex,JTF600,Raiden,Bend Sinister,Shapeways,Tiny Thingamajigs,"Objects May Appear" and other lines of 1/600-3mm miniatures. Aircraft along with 1/600-3mm scale Ships,Figures, Tanks, Trucks and Guns and other vehicles. Please feel free to post any information including rulesets,scenarios, ideas and suppliers for this great scale of aircraft,ships and vehicles. I have just started using these wonderful aircraft. And I would love to hear other players views and ideas. Whether it's WWI,WWII,Korea,Vietnam , the modern era or SciFi..

    Robert. Group owner and Moderator

  4. Hey! This is cool! I've been looking for tiny Willy's jeeps for Axis & Allies Spring 1942 Second Edition. I'm saving up to restore a real full size one as my primary tranportation around town (besides my BMX). Soooo, I've developed a bit of an obsession. I think they would look cool on the board. The tiny ones, not the real one. So if anyone knows where I could get my hands onna few o' those let me know! You can at e-mail me at Thanks, Dan.
